Easter 2020.
An event that I will probably never forget.
Half deserted streets; masking in the
supermarket; social distancing; insecurity; uncertainty whether and how things will continue economically and in business; .... The list could be continued at random.
Yes, I think I feel the same way most people do: at the beginning of the year 2020 I could not have imagined
a situation like the one we find worldwide today.
Then suddenly there it was: a little and completely dispensable beast, which fundamentally turns all our lives upside down.
A change that will last for months.
The victory over this monster will probably only be possible if we are provided with a suitable vaccine. And that will take time.
At this point at the latest everyone could sink into a deep depression.
But, HELLO! WHAT´S GOING ON? Could it be possible that not everything is as hopeless and devastating as it seems at first view?
first had this "epiphany" a few days ago. I walked through the city of Salzburg. Gorgeous sunshine and wonderful spring temperatures! Suddenly I noticed how wonderfully fresh the air
was; instead of the usual engine noise of the innumerable cars that usually take the city hostage, I could hear birdsong again. Honestly: the chirping of real birds! Incredible!
I suddenly saw trees in the city again. Where did they suddenly come from? Trees everywhere that I haven't noticed for such a long time.
All at once I saw the lush, strong green of the leaves on these trees. Oh, my god. It was amazing.
I noticed that I was walking slower than usual through the city. What's the matter with me? I may have aged a few days since February 2020. But I have not aged so much that I suddenly can only stroll around at a leisurely pace - and don't have to rush around in a hurry as usual. Unbelievable!
After years I could perceive and enjoy the beauty of nature again.
Something in my life seems to have changed. What have I learned for myself in the last few days?
"In every negative there is also something positive".
These words may sound trite and meaningless. But they are so true.
When you walk through life with open senses, new perspectives arise that can give hope.
Forgotten things reappear.
The self-evident regains importance.
The joy about the little things in life suddenly has a place in my life again.
Are all my worries gone now? Is there no need to ask how my STROB Galerie will continue - and if it will continue at all?
No. Absolutely and definitely not.
But I have once again become aware that it will always continue somehow. How? I don't know, the future will
show it.
I am convinced: my future life will not be the same as it was three months ago. But it can definitely be a good life. Whatever it may be.
all the people out there: HAPPY EASTER! Chin up & let´s get through it!
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