"Thanks" to COVID 19 I have the opportunity to organize my photo database at the moment.
While looking through them I discovered the photos of my visit to Berlin in 2019.
Among them is the photo series of the Bendlerblock, the Holocaust Memorial and some more.
In the middle of Berlin, between Tiergarten and Landwehrkanal, is this historically important place. On 1944-07-20 brave men around Oberts Graf von Stauffenberg
attempted to liquidate Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime. This attempt was carried out from this special location. Unfortunately, however, the coup failed.
Many courageous people lost their lives until 1945 in the effort to stand up to this reign of terror.
10 months later this nightmare was over.
What was left was devastation, destruction, hunger and uncertainty about what would happen next. Fear of the future, hopelessness, anger, sadness - all these feelings dominated the population at that time.
On 2020-05-08 we are going to celebrate a great anniversary: 75 years of the end of World War II and the Nazi dictatorship.
Why should all of this be important? Especially in a time like the current one?
I believe that it is especially important in days like these that we hold up positive things and lift ourselves up on great events.

I am also - like countless other companies all over the world - currently in a very economic tense situation. Let's be honest: nobody in the world needs my works of art to survive. They are already delighting an increasing number of people worldwide. And that´s wonderful!
But of course I also have to fight for my economic survival.
How will things continue economically? Can I keep my gallery? Probably for the next 18 months - until we return to normality.
Well, I don't have the answers to those questions. Not yet. But I do know one thing: that many more people have achieved THEIR "resurrection" under much more difficult circumstances and greater privations than I experience today.
And this thought encourages me!
Things are always going up again - and this time is no exception.
In this spirit:
Chin up & let´s get through it!
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